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Hampshire or Hants Morris Minor? We're going to change to Hants on our Gmail account


Just a line of thanks to you folks at the MMOC for exhibiting your cars at Bygone Fareham again this year.  

The continued success of these events depends entirely on clubs like yourselves and your willingness to display your pride and joys and talk about them and their history and hopefully encourage others to get involved in preserving our motoring heritage.

Alan Gladwell - Classic Car Coordinator Bygone Fareham.


The event is a regular in our calendar, so we all know the drill – meet at Frosthole Crescent, near Dave E's, at 8:30am to drive in convoy into Fareham to be in place on Fareham precinct by 9am. Except this year it didn’t go quite to plan as there were temporary traffic lights controlling one of the junctions.  There was nearly an altercation between one of our members and the driver of a modern, who would not let us in, to join the leading part of our convoy.

The Pidgley’s were already in place when we arrived, so we parked up alongside.  This year the “Original Minis Group” was opposite us.  Although there were a large number of classic cars of all marques on display, the only other organised Club was the Solent Minis Club, further up West St.  The Original Minis Group were invited to join us at our Alternate Classics evening next year, to compensate for the absence of the Austin 7 Club if they don’t turn up again.

HAMMOC displayed 6 Minors, a Traveller and an Austin A30.  As always, the cars draw attention with many members of the public reminiscing about their childhood with a Moggie or owning one as their first car.

Mandy and Pete J had an amusing conversation with a member of the public who regaled them with the tale of him getting lost in the front footwell of an Austin A30 as a very small young child.  He has grown, considerably since then and Mandy kindly offered him the opportunity to try to re-live that experience.  To the gentleman’s consternation, the cockpit of an A30 is very much smaller than he remembered. Egged on by his wife his attempts became ever more comical and undignified.  Mandy’s photos of his efforts are a delight, but probably not suitable for public consumption.

There seemed to be more life to the event this year than last.  Certainly, the Rock & Roll group were having a good time, but the paucity of local government funding was very evident.  No more the charming young employees of Fareham Borough Council stopping to have a chat and hand out free water and ice lollies.  Participants had to be quick to pick over the few curled sandwiches and mini sausage rolls on offer at lunch, a bit like vultures squabbling over a bony carcass.

At the end of the day, it always seems good fun and worthwhile.  Participants have the chance to wander around Fareham. Some return home to walk the dog or grandchildren. Acquaintances are renewed and opportunities abound to hear enthusiastic amateur mechanics explaining how they would fit Austin Healey brake cylinders if you really want to stop a Morris Minor - and other such fantasies.


Artur N and his family attended a local charity fundraising event hosted by the Concorde Club in Eastleigh. There they had the pleasure of meeting Tiff Needell who came over to have a closer look and talk to them about their Police Panda. It was very evident that Tiff had a soft spot for the Morris Minor marque. He made an episode about the Traveller around 4 years ago called “How this car changed my life".


Phil & Beryl J invited members to a BBQ, which they hosted at their village hall in Houghton, near Stockbridge.  Immediately upon arrival we were greeted with a welcome cup of tea thrust into our hands by Hannah & Graham; two neighbours who had volunteered to help. Phil and Graham had erected the gazebo.  Three BBQs were laid out ready to start cooking. 

Apparently, earlier in the day, as they were transporting the BBQs across to the hall, they dropped them.  The resultant clatter alarmed the villagers who rushed out thinking that Phil had fallen off his roof – again.  A couple of locals from adjoining villages turned up just to be part of village activity - the green low light in the carpark was a quiet statement that we were in classic car country.

Phil & Beryl had generously provided bread rolls, baps, sausages and burgers in case anyone got caught short.  There were a few spots of rain but nothing to dampen spirits.

A bull nose Morris arrived to join in as did a Morris 1000, owned by a local.  Several car enthusiasts on bicycles or in moderns also made cameo appearances.

Phil & Beryl’s 300-year-old home is just across the street from the village hall and we were invited in to see “Phil the Hills” modified racing Morris Minor, WDF 714.  His workshop, the old Wheelwright’s Finishing Shop, was cavernous with a plethora of tools and machines, all beautifully clean, oiled, greased and maintained.

Phil gave a quick overview of the work he had done on the car, which we could now see in the flesh.  He looked misty eyed as he spoke about his vague intentions to race again.

We are not sure whether Beryl is aware of that yet.

Mary M and a friend baked a celebratory cake, which Paul & Lin L, as founding members, were invited to cut, 45 years after they started the Club.

Answers to September’s word challenge

Did you remember the names of the recording artists?

Pink Cadillac  (1988)     Natalie Cole

I Like Driving in My Car (1982)   Madness

Grey Cortina (1978)  Tom Robinson Band

Little Red Corvette (1982)  T Rex

Chasing Cars (2005)  Snow Patrol

Car Wash (1976)  Rose Royce

Getaway Car (2017)   Taylor Swift

Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car (1988)  Billy Ocean

Cars (1979) Gary Numan

Drive My Car (1965) The Beatles

Big Yellow Taxi (1970) Joni Mitchell

Mercedes Benz (1971) Janis Joplin

Fast Car (1988) Tracy Chapman

Mustang Sally (1966) Wilson Pickett

October’s Word Challenge

How many words can you find in the word…?


Words must be of 4 or more letters.

 No proper nouns allowed.

70 = solid    80 = good 100 = amazing 125 + = genius


We have had some issues with distributing the magazine from the club email account: We think part of the problem is that it is too cumbersome.

So, we have changed it to Simpler and hopefully more effective. The new account is shown on the footnote of our website and we are in the process of notifying the National MMOC of the change.

Look for the picture to make sure that you are in the right place.

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