This was the second year that we held our Christmas Party at The Crofton Pub near Stubbington. Feedback from 2023 was that the venue was better but the food not as good as it used to be at the Fox & Hounds.
The consensus from the 2024 Christmas function was not dissimilar. Ted H postulated that he could have entered his Brussel sprouts into the World Conker Championships with a pretty good chance of getting through the preliminary rounds. We compared that report with feedback from other Christmas functions.
John & Nicky K attended a different function on the same night. John informed us that his sprouts were like bullets; providing stiff competition for Ted’s sprouts.
On the positive side, the fish was delicious, the staff were extremely accommodating and helpful and we had wonderful company.

Pete J is a member of the Locks Heath Tuneless Choir. We thought that it would be fun to invite them along to sing like no-one is listening – their motto.
There were several nervous looking Club members as they realised that they would be expected to join in with the Christmas jollity. However, once our members realised the depth of talent surrounding them(!) even the more reticent Club members were cheerfully mouthing along to the words and a number were singing lustily. The Tuneless Choir generated a festive atmosphere and got the evening off to a great start.

Each branch of the Tuneless Choir supports a different charity at different times of the year. Since the Locks Heath gang’s enthusiasm was infectious and both clubs’ choral talents were well matched, the Club agreed to support their charity; Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance.
The Secret Santa always produces some surprises. Julie & Chris M forgot their Secret Santa prize. As a self-imposed penalty they purchased a large number of raffle tickets. Consequently, their tickets kept being drawn, but with great sportsmanship they kept putting them back. The final raffle prize was a “Tower of Treats” and a bottle of prosecco which we thought had been won by John W. It turned out that he was monitoring Mary M’s tickets because she was helping with the draw and it was one of hers that won. In the spirit of the evening, Mary split the raffle prize by tucking the bottle of prosecco under her arm and re-raffling the “Tower of Treats”. You guessed it, that was won by Julie and Chris who won the raffle prize last year.
Apparently, this event does not have official sanction, which is why it is a non-event. Local folklore has it that originally a motorcycle gathering took place on Boxing Day. The motorcyclists permitted some car marques to attend and then it snowballed and got seriously out of hand.

At the Club Christmas Function rumours started to swirl that one or two members intended to “just pass through Wickham early on Boxing Day”. Rumour also had it that one needed to arrive early to stand any chance of bagging a parking space in Wickham square. The Club had three early arrivals, Dave E, John & Nicky K and Steve L who all bagged places in the square in the pre-dawn light.

Steve H followed and was quickly directed to a vacant space that the incumbents had sort of kept available. A later arrival was Artur N on his police motorcycle with his father-in-law driving his police Moggie.

Amazingly, they were able to squeeze into a corner of the square. Unfortunately, by the time that Ted H arrived, the “steam team” had turned up and Ted had to park on an approach road.
Ironically, Stephanie C, a Wickham resident, had battery problems and was unable to start her car, so attended as a pedestrian! Her lock-up does not have power, but through our Facebook page, she has now been directed to purchase a battery starter pack. She is seeking a lock-up, with power, close to Wickham – any offers?
The event is a real mixed bag of classic cars, modern classics, motorbikes, scooters, military vehicles, steam engines and pretty much everything else. Although the turnout from HAMMOC was 7 members in 6 Moggies, we did not have a monopoly on Morris Minors.

Brake Fluid Change - Part Two
The Spanner in the Works is a new post on the committee agreed at the AGM in November. The appointment is occupied by Dave E, who happens to be a professional mechanic - which helps.
Since the inaugural article from Spanner in the Works in the November 2024 magazine, a number of members have asked for a quick guide on how to bleed brakes.
It’s essential to check the Brake fluid in the master cylinder frequently during the bleeding process to ensure it does not run dry.

After refilling the master cylinder with fresh brake fluid from a sealed container, refit the cap of the master cylinder to maintain a closed system and prevent debris from entering. After you have jacked up the car and removed the wheels, making sure you have axle stands for safety, you can start bleeding your brakes. It is advisable to start with the rear brakes first as these are the ones furthest away from the brake master cylinder.
At this point, you may need somebody to help you as they sit in the car and press the brake pedal for you. Using a receptacle of some kind, such as an old jam jar, to collect the used brake fluid in, ask your assistant to press the brake pedal, undo the bleed nipple using a spanner as shown here.

Once the pedal is down to the floor close the bleed nipple and ask your assistant to raise the pedal. Repeat this process until you are sure that there is no air in the brake system. Now repeat this on the other rear brake then go to the front brakes of the vehicle.

I am selling my Moggies. The black one has sold but the white one is still available it has 10 months mot on it. It is in immaculate condition, I am asking £9500 ono.
Contact John Ayres on 07718 086281

Rolson 2 tonne trolley jack £20
Min. height 135mm, max. height 330mm
Used but in good condition
Tel: 07446 733974 (Fareham area)
