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Family membership of HAMMOC is open to any adult living at the same address and declared on this membership application form.  On receipt of your annual subscription you will become a full member of HAMMOC with access to our paid members section at the top of the website.  You will be able to access the monthly magazine but if you wish to receive a print copy sent to your address by post, please consider an additional voluntary contribution of around £8 - £9 to help defray the costs of printing and postage. 

Tell us about your Morris Minor or Classic car

Are you a member of the National MMOC?
Under the MMOC Branch Rebate scheme we are able to claim for each member that attends 5 or more Club events throughout the year.

Annual membership fee is £12 renewable on 1 July each year.  If you join between 1 January - 30 June, you will be charged £6 for the half year. 

Bank transfer to HAMMOC; 53-50-05; 49863185 - Reference:  Your surname

Or send a cheque to:  Mr M J Hockey, 45 Albemarle Ave, PO12 4HR

Thank you for submitting your application

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