February Blog
Morris Minor Owners Club Hampshire
VIEW FROM THE CHAIR - Morris Minor Club Hampshire
In the September 2023 edition of HAMMAG, we reported on a Morris Minor Club Hampshire (HAMMOC) member, Jackie Keasley, was putting to sea on the Clipper around the world yacht race on the 3rd of September. On the 20th of January 2024 the yacht PERSEVERANCE arrived at Whitsunday Islands, off the coast of Queensland, Australia.
Jackie was a member of the crew on yacht PERSEVERANCE. She left the yacht at Whitsunday Islands, having completed a half circumnavigation of the world. She covered 23,374 miles in 104 days, averaging 8 knots per hour. The top speed during that time was 21 knots, surfing downwind deep in the Southern Ocean. She is taking a well-earned rest, touring Australia with her husband, Bill. We hope that when she returns to the UK, she will give us a presentation about her adventures.
Despite the relentless rain, some Club Moggies have been seen out and about recently. Members are obviously taking the opportunity to ensure that their winter maintenance programme has been effective and that their cars are performing as expected. Sensibly, they are allowing time to rectify any faults that become apparent.
We do not have a confirmed venue yet for Drive it Day on the 21st April, but we will be doing something. Attempts to tie up with Surrey/Hants MMOC have faltered. Please put the date in your diaries and in the next edition of HAMMAG we will let you know where we will be going.
The first signs of spring are appearing and, in that vein, we are encouraging you all to open those garage doors, peer inside and blow some dust off those Moggies.
It’s interesting to see what Hampshire County Council considers to be high risk in the county. Even more interesting to note the inclusion of “widespread electricity loss” as we all talk about electric vehicles and moving away from gas.
If any member can devise a way of coupling up their Moggie to their domestic electricity supply in times of need; we could be onto a winner. Claude Hayward’s presentation on the 16th of January covered a lot of ground, from individual risk assessment, to factors to consider in response to an incident on an industrial site. It culminated in an overview of the national emergency response command and control mechanism in the event of a major incident. Steve Hunt gave a short addendum to Claude’s presentation on Military Aid to the Civil Authorities.
Sixteen members attended and all seemed to take something away about how to make their own environment more resilient.
Steve H